Tesla proizvela milioniti električni automobil
Izvor: investitor.me
Izvor: investitor.me
Njemački proizvođač automobila Volkswagen (VW) najavio je da će prestati sa razvojem vozila sa pogonom na gas i da će pažnju usmjeriti na motore sa električnim pogonom. Direktor Volkswagenovog ogranka za razvoj Frank Welsch rekao je da je prošle godine širom svijeta prodato samo 110 hiljada automobila sa pogonom na prirodni gas, što je nedovoljno…
Firms must double green spend: study Europe’s biggest firms will need to double their green investments if the continent is to achieve ‘climate neutrality’ by 2050, says a study of 882 publicly traded companies by climate research group CDP. Corporate spending on low-carbon technology and infrastructure amounted to €124bn last year, or 12% of total investments.…
Firms must double green spend: study Europe’s biggest firms will need to double their green investments if the continent is to achieve ‘climate neutrality’ by 2050, says a study of 882 publicly traded companies by climate research group CDP. Corporate spending on low-carbon technology and infrastructure amounted to €124bn last year, or 12% of total investments.…
Kompanija Tesla je objavila zvaničnu dizajnersku skicu novog kompaktnog električnog automobila i otkrila plan za otvaranje istraživačkog i razvojnog centra u Kini. Tesla planira u Kini da izgradi novi centar za istraživanje i razvoj, a objavljena je i skica koja najavljuje prvi kompaktni električni automobil. Ovaj model bi trebalo bi da pronađe svoje mjesto ispod…
The EU is going to need 3 million electric vehicle charging points by 2030 if it’s serious about reaching its climate targets, says a new report by campaign group Transport & Environment (T&E). That’s a sixteen-fold increase on the 185,000 public charging points currently available in the EU. The research estimates it would cost €20 billion…
Hard-line immigration policies and ambitious climate targets are the result of Austria’s coalition talks. In an unlikely partnership, the conservative Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) and the Greens have agreed to rely completely on renewable energy by 2030 and make the country carbon neutral by 2040. To reach these targets the new government will tax CO2 emissions…
Fiat Chrysler and PSA Group, maker of Peugeot, have officially signed off on a $50 billion merger to create the fourth-largest automaker in the world. It will take another 12 to 15 months to close the deal, the companies said, and a new name has yet to be decided. The 50-50 merger will allow the companies to…
Europe will be the big driver behind global electric-car sales next year. With European governments subsidising electric vehicles (EV) and investing in charging infrastructure, the region is poised to see a big jump in EV sales, Bloomberg reports. Europe is expected to see a 35 per cent increase in electric and hybrid vehicle purchases in the…
Hoping to open in Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia & most of Eastern Europe early next year. Finally, we will do Nikola Tesla proud by having his cars in his countries of origin! by Elon Musk on Twitter: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1176190550854127616